Saturday, June 12, 2010

Day 8:Colter Bay Village to West Yellowstone,MT

Miles on the hardroad: 88

Songs on the road today: I thoroughly enjoyed listening to Luke's rendition of "Can you feel the love tonight" from the Lion King up the hills of Yellowstone.

Songs stuck in my head: "Buffalo Solider" -Bob Marley (kind of fitting seeing that I saw like 68 buffaloes today)

Movie we watched tonight in the motel: "Back to the Future Part I" ....classic. Absolutely brilliant.

Miles ridden since 6/5: about 650 miles

# of times we said that words "Car Back" today: at least 240

How do we feel after 8 days of riding? Legs = Good , Butt = Bad

# of flat tires: Two for the Randman, none for Davis and Luke. Interestingly, I woke up this morning and my tire was flat. Hmmm. That's really funny how that just seemed to happen overnight. Personally, I think that I was sabotaged while sleeping by two individuals who will remain nameless. I believe that this video is my proof! (This was me changing my first flat tire a few days ago....and these two jokesters seemed to think it was friggin' hilarious.)

Forecast from last night: High's in the 30's with a 70% chance of snow

Today's weather: High's in the low 40's, mostly cloudly, but no snow or rain...whew, we dodged a bullet on that one. I think someone was looking out for us today. But man, there were a few moments that I felt like I was doing a cross country ride across Alaska. Sheesh. They call this summer up here?

Best sites of the day: Yellowstone National Park and everything in it! Fantastico!

At one point we were about 20 yards from an enraged buffalo charging an RV camper. That was pretty cool. Glad I wasn't in that camper though. Perhaps it was one of Ralphie's children upset about CU's move to the Pac-10?

Also, we saw Old Faithful. Er, kinda-sorta. We didn't actually see the water shoot out due to the fact that we would have had to wait 90 minutes and we were in a bit of time crunch trying to get into West Yellowstone. But, I think that Luke said it best when he said, "Oh, we can just find it on youtube tonight." However, we did see a ton of buffalo (none charged us, fortunately) and several elk. And then there was this other weird looking animal that we saw quite a few of .... not really sure what it was. It kind of looked like a miniture camal.

What did we eat for dinner tonight? Mcdonald's and Dairy Queen for dessert. Dinner of champions right there my friends.

At about 10am this morning, we waived goodbye to Randall and Kathy as they headed to West Yellowstone to catch their flight back to Denver. Gosh, It's been a heckuva week. So many stories. So many laughs (most provided by Randall). Words will not adequately sum up the good times. Thanks Thompson's! You guys rock.

Wind: We actually had a cross-tail wind for the 20 miles....that was sweet

Quote of the day: "I'm going to do nothing but play games on my phone the entire day tomorrow" -Luke Jones referring to what he's going to do on our first rest day. And, to be honest, if I even get around to doing that much it will be a pretty crazy day for all of us. Our legs need the rest. Cheers to mind-numbing games on our phones!

Hello Montana, Goodbye Wyoming!
We said goodbye to the Wyoming winds today and gladly welcomed a new state on our journey to the mighty Pacific. I can't really tell you why, but our hearts are already endeared to the this state despite the fact that we've only actually ridden a whoping two miles over the border.

1 comment:

  1. My sweet Caroline enjoyed her first french fry at the McDonalds in West Yellowstone.

    I look forward to the day off post. Enjoy it for me brother. I'm sorry I wasn't there to welcome you in.
