Friday, June 11, 2010

Day 7: Dubois,WY to Colter Bay Village

Video of the Day: Click Here!

Miles on the northwest concrete: 73
Weather: cool…40’s and low 50’s the whole way. Mostly sunny tho’ so it was nice! No rain--yippee!
Terrain: It varied. We had one climb that put us at 9,700 feet, but other than that it was rolling to flat most of the way.
Deep Thought of the day while on the bike: I wonder if anyone has ever killed an elk or a deer while riding a bicycle. I don't mean with a gun,bow or knife while riding a bike, but rather by running it over. And if they did, do you think that they took it home and ate it for dinner that night? Hmmmm. That's something to think about.
# of bikers we’ve seen riding doing cross country trips so far: at least a dozen
Bummer about this day: It’s our last night with Randall and Kathy Thompson. They have been true servants, unbelievable saggers and non-stop fun. There is a perpetual stream of random jokes and musings that flow from RT’s mouth that keep us encouraged, laughing and sometimes scratching our heads. The guys and I have thoroughly enjoyed their company all in all! Thanks RT and Kathy!
Tomorrow’s Ride: 90 miles Colter Bay Village to West Yellowstone, MT .....3200 ft of climb
Since today is our last official night in Wyoming, I’ll continue my “Top Ten observations about Wyoming” that I started yesterday. Here’s the last five.
6. There were several incidents this week that made me think that Wyoming is still living in the 1980’s. I hear A TON of 70’s and 80’s music in the restaurants. No modern music up here. I’m sure they probably just heard of CD’s. Next decade is mp3’s and then the Ipod. Next, as I was woofing down biscuits and gravy early this morning, the dudes next to me were smoking like chimneys….right there in the restaurant. That’s so 1985 to smoke in the morning before breakfast. And lastly, we’ve seen a ton of old school RV’s and campers. I’m hoping to convince my wife to let me buy one off of craigslist before the summer is over. Err, that’s probably a long shot.
7. WY restaurants, like Kansas, Nebraska and Iowa are very quiet. Sometimes I wonder if there’s this unwritten code of silence that people subscribe to that we are apparently not following. Every restaurant we walk into we end up being the loudest group in the place. But sometimes that’s not hard when you're traveling with two high schoolers and Randall Thompson. Oh, and in many places people stare at us….they’re probably wishing that they had cool spandex like us I guess.
8. The scenery here is amazing. The Grand Tetons are truly one of the greatest sites I’ve ever seen in my life. Seriously. Our God is an amazing artist. Riding my bike was a worshipful experience today.
9. I see a lot of guys in cowboy boots driving big bad pickup trucks, but I haven’t seen many horses. Aren’t cowboys suppose to ride horses? What’s the deal with that?
10. I guess it’s the time of year and the particular part of the state that we are in, but everything is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay overpriced here. I feel like every time I buy something I’m giving my money to some person in a mask and cape.
Davis and Luke....the dynamic duo, my fellow riding partners. While I've picked on these guys a good amount for, well, being what they are, which is a couple of guys in high school..... they are seriously a ton of fun to be around. I've enjoyed their company and we've been enjoying ourselves every hour of the day ..... heck, even when Luke is talking in his sleep!


  1. Hello Tom, Luke and Davis, hey congratulations you've been on the road for a week. Glad to hear you had some sunshine yesterday and will be praying you keep having decent weather and safety on the road. Wanted to share some thoughts while mowing the grass with my zero-turn mower:
    1. Song going through my head "Moonlight Gambler" by Frankie Lane. Though maybe should be going to the casino and win some $$ for the Hunger Ride but I think the good Lord appreciates a donation from a cheerful heart better.
    2. Seeing Randall and Kathy standing underneath the big bear (picture from yesterday) reminded me of the days when Tom was 9 and 10 and we were in Indian Guides. Tom's Indian name was "Black Dirt" and mine was "Standing Bear". People have joked they are glad it wasn't "Standing Bare".
    3. Missed being part of the sagwagoning team with Randall and Kathy.
    4. Lawn kill--several mounds of ants that were crushed by the tires on the mower, a horse fly and several other bugs my lightning fast hands smashed.
    5. Temps in the low 80's and muggy; around two miles on the mower; elevation climb around fifty feet from bottom of hill in backyard.
    6. Shoutouts to an awesome God who hooked me up with an awesome wife and we got to celebrate 44 years together.

    Keep on pedaling hard for that medical center in Tikoling!
    God Bless,
    Dad and Mom (aka Roger and Rose)

  2. "Did you guys bring shoe clamps or ice picks?"

    "No. Do we need 'em?"

    "Most rent them. Mt. Washington can be extremely dangerous this time of the year."

    "I have some fancy new Pearl Izumi shoes - will those work?"

    Ride it like it's your jobby job. Oh yea, don't forget the baseball cards in the spokes. The only way to ride.
