Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day 4: Riverside, WY to Rawlins,WY

Miles on the road: 60

Tomorrow's Ride: 125 miles (Rawlins,WY to Lander,WY)

Wind: tailwind, headwind, crosswind ... we experienced it all. Gotta love that WY wind!

Temperture: 52 at the start, high 60's at the finish

The "should have been scary" part of today's ride: Riding on the shoulder of I-80 ... but there was actually a ton of room so we felt pretty safe. But occasionally you'd have that semi that would breeze by and give you the chills .... and put some hair on your chest.

Hats off to: the drivers on the road today. Gave us tons of room. Thanks, Wyoming.
Quotes of the Day:

"Gosh! You are an animal in bed, Luke" -Davis Butler (Davis is the other high school student that is riding with us all the way to West Yellowstone. Davis and Luke get the privlege of sharing a bed at the places where we're staying. He was apparently speaking of Luke's tarzanian like sleeping habits, we think he meant to say this in a different way)

Kathy Thompson today while driving: "Randall, did you hear that so and so's dog died?"
Randall Thompson: "Yeah, I did. And I'm glad"

What's it? Well, that'd be our cabin on river last night. We just about floated away. We had to make an emergency exit from our cabin in Riverside, WY at 9:30pm (Monday night) because of a major flood (biggest since 84' we heard) on the North Platte river. So, we ended up driving 18 miles to Saratoga where we ended up crashing for the night. Good times, good times. We then drove back to Riverside this morning to start our ride. The funniest part of the night was an interaction with this crazy old man who was the night manager at the good ol' Lazy Acres RV and Campground. He was trying to convince us that the flood was no big deal and that we should stay. He actually became very angry when we told him we were leaving. Huh? I'd a thought he'd be freaking out a little more considering he's from Arizona and sees water like twice a year when a cactus explodes. We were like, "whatever dude."

For the next four days, I've surrendered all navigating resonsibilities to Luke and Davis. I figured that it'll be good for them and maybe teach them a thing or to about reading a map. I've told them that I'm simply a follower and will provide no insight whatsoever-they are driving the bus. Well, let's just say that today was a learning experience and that we'll hope to be in Lander,WY by tomorrow at sundown. If there's no blog tomorrow night, well, we're probably camping out in a ditch somewhere for the night with the wildabeast. On the bright side, these two guys are starting to tear it up on the bikes. For not having riden much before, these cats are starting to find their groove. Nice work Jones and Butler. Hopefully they can keep the HR Train moving for 125 big ones tomorrow!

Special thanks to Jordan at the Hampton Inn of Rawlins for the two free hotels rooms tonight. We appreciate the comfy beds as well as the pullout, which Davis will be sleeping on tonight.

The interesting challenge that provides some interesting convo's at night is this....Since we are on a bike trip, what are the parallels to biking and the Christian life? We've had fun thinking about the relationship between the two.

That we lost our tech crew. Here's a video from yesterday's ride, but it could be the last one for a few days. Hopefully we can figure out how to post vid's in the next few days.


  1. Tom, Luke and Davis! Way to go guys! We are excited about your adventure. Wyoming wind is something else! May it be always at your back! Blessed, safe and fun journey. Thanks for keeping us informed.
    Love, Cindy, Dick and Abby Elliott

  2. When you get back, I'll share my "PowerPoint" presentation called, "Life is Like a Bike Ride" for many more spiritual applications!

    Dave DR (Kim's Dad)

  3. I'm glad that dog died too. About time.
