Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day 6: Lander,WY to Dubois,WY

Miles on the asphalt: 67 (We were suppose to go 74 but got KO'd by a t-storm late in the day. So, we'll have to drive back and add 7 mi to our 62 mi day tomorrow. No cheating on the HR!)
Temperature at the finish: 46 degrees

Road Kill: A cat without a head, a skunk and a couple of dead birds

# of flat tires: Numero uno came today….and I was the lucky son of a gun.
Weather: Pretty nice for the first 62, then it was the coldest, wettest, windiest weather I’ve ever ridden in. That includes over 6,500 miles of riding on Hunger Ride 2006 and 2007. No joke. At one point, we were riding into a 40+ mph headwind, getting pelted by rain drops that felt like thousands of bees stinging me ….all while riding on a flat road peddling as hard as we could just to go 6.8 mph. I've never peddled so hard to go so slow. My heart rate was somewhere north of 165! It’s like I was peddling as hard as I could but standing still. A bicycle on a treadmill? But, it was a very memorable experience that we’re sure to never forget. I kept singing “There’s no easy way out” from the Rocky 4 soundtrack….thinking of the lines “See, I told you, he’s not a machine, he’s a man!” ….and….”The Russian’s been cut, The Russian’s been cut!!!”

# of dogs that chased us: a total of four. And two were nippers. However, some of you may recall that in Hunger Ride 06’ I found that by lowering my voice as low as I possibly can and then giving my very best “Satan bark of death” .....the dogs would actually can be very frightened by this surprisingly brilliant tactic. Don’t Mess with Randdog, my friends, don’t mess with me.

Start time today: 10 am
Finish time after the storm: 5 pm

After being in the “Cowboy State” now for several days, here are my observations about Wyoming: It’s my Wyoming Top Ten List I suppose.

1. It’s a 50/50 shot that advice/directions you receive from locals will be accurate. Half the time you are golden, the other half their words are worth a hot cup of jack squat. Or maybe not even that much.
2. People always associate the term redneck with southern people. However, I’m here to tell you that there are plenty of redneck folk in Wyoming. Plenty of ba pickups, tobacco, bad food and cheap beer to go around for all.
3. Every single river we’ve seen in this state is flooded. It’s pretty crazy, actually. Good thing that I told Tad Jones that we wouldn’t see rain more than once on this trip before we left. Yeah, just call me a modern day prophet. A sure mouthpiece of God.
Sheeesh. It’s rained three times in six days! I’ll go ahead and keep my mouth shut from now on.
4. They aren’t kidding about this Wyoming wind. It really is something else. I’m not even sure one is safe taking a leak in the bathroom. I apologize if that was just an over share. I’m thinking that I’ll start a national kite flying association (NKFA) and have a tourney here once a year. Maybe I can get ESPN to sponsor? I probably wouldn't participate, but I would like to be a kitecaster. I would then change my name to RANDY RAND.
5. I’m definitely a fan of Wyoming drivers. Much respect for bikers and great shoulders (other than the section that gave me a flat today) for biking!

You know… that I’ve got you all excited …I’ll save the last five for tomorrow.

Tonight we are staying at the Black Bear Lodge in Dubios. Dubois is famous because it really is the last stop for travelers as they make their way to the Tetons and Yellowstone. It's a town the shuts down for about 7 months out of the year and people (motels, shops,etc..) make their payday for the five months of the tourist season. Many of you know it's been difficult for Luke and I to find motels that are willing to donate rooms in this area for that very reason. However, about 5 days before our trip, I got a tip from a teacher at Valor who told me that their was a former Valor family who owns a small 12 room place called the Black Bear Lodge (WHAT A SWEET NAME.....I LOVE BEARS!) in Dubois.

Well, to make a long story short, we got connected to this awesome family, had dinner with them tonight and are staying at their motel. Praise God for that....and for hot showers! What cool timing of it all! It's been a lot of fun and it's stories like these that make a trip like this memorable.


Thanks to the Furman's for their hospitality!

A strapping, dark haired man named Roger walked into a bar in Lake Geneva, WI with a buddy of his. He surveyed the bar, was feeling confident on this day, so he asked the bartender to give a drink to a beautiful, short brown haired lady sitting at the other end of the bar with one of her girlfriends ....and to put that drink on his tab. Well, that drink lead to a conversation that Sunday afternoon in the bar, a conversation to many other conversations over the phone....and conversations to weekend trips to Chicago (from Rockford,IL) to see this lady named Rose. Sleeping in his car on these weekend trips (because her mother disapproved) to see his love, not even distance could keep them apart. Well, long story short, Roger asked Rose to get married and on this day 44 years ago they wed.

Hey Mom and Dad! Happy 44th wedding anniversary! Y'all rock! Thanks for being an awesome example of a Christ-centered marriage!


  1. The first flat tire, bummer. If it had been Luke or Davis you'd still be there waiting for them to figure out how to fix it. I hope they took good notes.....

  2. Thanks for your sweet comments. Hey, if anyone wants to know the "how to's" of finding a winner in a bar, let us know.
    We celebrated our "44" by having dinner in Lake Geneva. Dad ordered me a glass of wine and put it on his tab. Still having fun...
    Love you, Mom

  3. Bones, love the blog - and happy anniversary Mamaroo and Papatoo :)

  4. Forget the Hunger Ride... shout out to Roger + Rose for 44 sweet ones! Well done!

  5. How 'bout a shout out to Pau Gasol for crying after winning a basketball game hand picked by David Stern?
