Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day 5:Rawlins,WY to Lander,WY

Miles on the road: 125 big ones

Weather: Rain and wind in the am, clouds and wind in the afternoon. temps ranged from low 50's to mid 60's.... comfortable riding weather when it wasn't raining!

Wind: a very fierce headwind at times. So fierce that during one slight decline, we actually had to peddle fairly hard just to hold a 12mph pace. Crazyness!

Road Kill: We saw our first skunk today! Also a snake, a deer and a mouse

# of gas station stops from Rawlins to Lander: yeah, we felt like we were in bfn

# of times I thought my feet were permanently frozen this am: 16

Weight at the start of the trip: 164 pounds

Weight after 5 days of riding and 425 miles on the road: 166 pounds

Songs Stuck in my head today: "Wouldn't it be nice" - Beach Boys .....the boys used their own fill-in-the-blank version of this song.... "It started out with "Wouldn't it be nice to have some blue skies....wouldn't it be nice to have tailwind" ......and, of course the amount of things you can fill in the blank with this is endless

Weird dream of the day: Luke woke up (but he was really sleeping talking) in the middle of the night (last night) and said out loud, "I'm going to kill you Tom Rand. I'm going to murder you!" I asked him if he remembered saying that in the middle of the night and he said no. He said he only remembered that in his dream were playing the game "Halo." I guess that explains it.

Oh one has to love the joys of licking the delicious combination of rain water, dirt, truck grease and gasoline from your lips as your riding a bicycle. That's pretty much what we were doing this am as we grinded and plodded our way northwest, onward to Yellowstone and the Tetons on hwy 287. It was pretty extreme conditions at times ... 65mph road, rough shoulder with little room and not too mention the rain and wind which always throws and interesting curve ball into the equation. But, things changed after about 30 miles of riding. The rain let up, the wind actually was in our favor for a few short miles, and we had a big, smooth shoulder. Hooray for big, smooth shoulders with no debris! That was dandy! The boys put on their gameface today and I'm ecstatic to say that they knocked out the 125 like Tyson fighting Moore.

Krista at the Holiday Inn Express for the donation of two hotel rooms.


  1. I'll miss the video crew for sure.

    Until then I'll keep secret the video you sent me yesterday of the view y'all had on the beach:

    I hope no one ever finds out - Ride hard brother!

  2. Watch out for the grass snakes out there Tommy. Swing low, sweet chariot.
