Monday, May 31, 2010

5 Days and Counting ....


After a 3 year layoff, I have to admit that it feels pretty good to enter back into the world of blogging. But much like Jordan, Holyfield & Armstrong felt when they first came back on the scene after much time off, one can be somewhat mezmorized by the lights, glitter, champagne and, in my case, it would be the tightness of the spandex. You'll have to give me a few "blogs" to shake off the rust and dust before I'm able to get back into form.

For those of you who may not know, I had the opportunity to make two cross country bike trips in the summers' of 2006 & 2007. And while it's certainly difficult to put those two epic experiences into words, I certainly tried back then. If you care to know what those particular trips were all about, check out
and you can read about all of my musings.

But, in the meantime, I write to you less than a week before Hunger Ride 2010! Back in Dec. of 2009, there was the thought of doing another bike trip. Then, that thought lead to conversations. Conversations lead to prayer. And, well, it's time to buckle up because Hunger Ride III is on. And this year with a whole new cast.

Times have certainly changed since I last blogged in 2007.
I'm married, a homeowner and no longer living in the great state of Memphis,Tn. I've hit my 30's, the prime of life according to some? This year is my Magic Johnson year.
I'm also starting to go bald. Yeah, from the front and up top in the back. So, I've got that going for me. I also am a proud to say that I still listen to cd's and do not own an Ipod. I've also noticed that I don't recover quite as I quickly as I used to in my 20's.

Andrea (my wife) and I went on a 43 mile bike ride this afternoon. One could say it was a "hump" ride of sorts as there was appr. 4500 ft of climbing....and most of it was within a 12 mile stretch involving 7-9% grades. You gotta love Colorado! We rode from Evergreen to Idaho Springs to the base of Mt. Evans back down to Evergreen. Definitely a "10" type of day to be out on a bike. But, I kind of have the feeling that I'm going to be "feeling" this one until Wednesday if you know what I mean. Something about being in my 30's. As always in a day of biking, you never know what you are going to see or who you are going to encounter. And that, my friends, is what makes this upcoming adventure, well, an adventure.

By far, without question, the quote of the day came from a man, probably in his early 40's, driving by us in his 1982 2-door Toyota Tercel. Sweet car btw. And while I did not get the closest look, I'm pretty sure this guy had a mullet. At least that's the image I have of him in my mind as I sit here and type this tonight. So, as we were riding up hill to the base of Mt. Evans, this feller decided to slow down to about 15 mph (on a 45 mph road) stick his head out the window and proceed to yell to us that , "You bike fags make these roads dangerous for all of us."

Hmmmm. Wow. Really? Did he really just say that?

Now, I've gotta admit that I'm not the wittiest guy in the world. My comebacks in the heat of banter are not always swift or even funny for that matter. But, in this case no comeback was needed. Because in the middle of a tumultuous hill climb, this yahoo provided very well timed comic relief. Andrea and I paused for a moment, then immediately busted out laughing. And what else could we do? Nobody, as far as I recall, has ever called me a "bike fag" before.

Had there been more time, however, I probably would have said the following:

1. Bro, Richard Dean Anderson called and said he wants his haircut back
2. Hey dude, we all know that's not a real medical marijuana card. Just come clean
3. Hey Chief, we just got married last year. I think you're confused.
4. Hey big guy, just because I shaved my legs you shouldn't assume certain things about my sexual orientation.

What would you have said? I'm not sure, but I do know that this will NOT be the last comment that I hear from a disgruntled driver in the next 4 weeks. And, I also know that I look forward to sharing these comments with you.

It's on like Donkey Kong.
Hunger Ride 2010.
Highlands Ranch, Co to Seaside, Or.
Would love to have you along for the ride.
